Project Leader I4.0, Philips

Daniël Caljouw

Daniël Caljouw B Eng. graduated as a mechanical engineer on the Hanzehogeschool Groningen (2010). He started as production engineer for PHILIPS Drachten on highly automated and complex production lines. Currently working as a Senior production engineer and project manager for i4.0 innovations on predictive maintenance.


Εύα Παπακώστα, Τ: 210 6617777 (ext. 344), M: 6932646256, Ε: [email protected]

Μάξιμος Γιαννόπουλος, Τ: 210 6617777 (εσωτ.247), M:+ 30 6940 642327, E: [email protected]
Χρήστος Τέγος, Τ: 210 661 7777, (εσωτ. 251), M: 6932 612708, Ε: [email protected]
Σπύρος Σιδέρης, Τ: 210 661 7777, (εσωτ. 240), M: 6942 673 861, Ε: [email protected]

Project Management
Αγγελική Πετροπούλου, Τ: 210 6617777 (ext: 235), Κιν: 6977018852 E: [email protected]

Boussias Communications