Global Business Development Manager – Asset Reliability Solutions, SKF Group

Egon Doyer

Egon Doyer joined SKF in 2007 and has 40 years industry experience. He worked with customers in a variety of industries like Food & Beverage, Energy, Mining, Cement and Metals to help them increase Shareholder Value.

Egon conducts Asset Management assessments for customers and benchmark them against their industry peers and to Best in Class to identify gaps and develop Asset Management improvement programs to reduce costs and increase production output!

He coordinated projects like Reliability Centered Maintenance, CMMS implementation, Spare part Management and Operator Driven Reliability.


Εύα Παπακώστα, Τ: 210 6617777 (ext. 344), M: 6932646256, Ε: [email protected]

Μάξιμος Γιαννόπουλος, Τ: 210 6617777 (εσωτ.247), M:+ 30 6940 642327, E: [email protected]
Χρήστος Τέγος, Τ: 210 661 7777, (εσωτ. 251), M: 6932 612708, Ε: [email protected]
Σπύρος Σιδέρης, Τ: 210 661 7777, (εσωτ. 240), M: 6942 673 861, Ε: [email protected]

Project Management
Αγγελική Πετροπούλου, Τ: 210 6617777 (ext: 235), Κιν: 6977018852 E: [email protected]

Boussias Communications