CEE Sales Manager, Hansford Sensors

Mateusz Bujak

Mateusz is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics at AGH University in Krakow joined program with Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. Involved in vibration diagnostics for more than 14 years. Initially responsible for wind turbine remote diagnostics. Afterwards for commissioning of on-line systems and further for its development. Mateusz joined Hansford Sensors in 2009. He is currently responsible for Central, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and Canada. During serving support to partners/customers always interested in challenging examples of troubleshooting and advanced analysis. Constantly developing the knowledge and experience in Asset Relibility.

CMRP, ARP, Motion Amplification and ISO VA Certified.


Εύα Παπακώστα, Τ: 210 6617777 (ext. 344), M: 6932646256, Ε: [email protected]

Μάξιμος Γιαννόπουλος, Τ: 210 6617777 (εσωτ.247), M:+ 30 6940 642327, E: [email protected]
Χρήστος Τέγος, Τ: 210 661 7777, (εσωτ. 251), M: 6932 612708, Ε: [email protected]
Σπύρος Σιδέρης, Τ: 210 661 7777, (εσωτ. 240), M: 6942 673 861, Ε: [email protected]

Project Management
Αγγελική Πετροπούλου, Τ: 210 6617777 (ext: 235), Κιν: 6977018852 E: [email protected]

Boussias Communications