CEO and Publisher of and Uptime Magazine

Terrence O’Hanlon

Terrence O’Hanlon, CMRP is the Publisher of®, RELIABILITY® Magazine and Uptime® Magazine. He is a Certified in Asset Management by the Institute of Asset Management and is a Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional by SMRP.  Terrence is the acting Executive Director of the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP).   He is the executive editor and Publisher of the 5th Edition of the Asset Management Handbook and most recently the author of 10 rights on Asset Management with Ramesh Gulati.

Terrence is also a voting member of the US TAG (PC251) for ISO 55000 – ASTM E53 Asset Management Standards Committee.  More recently Mr. O’Hanlon has been selected as the sole US Representation through ANSI for ISO Working Group 39 to create a standard for competence in assessing and certifying Asset Management programs known as ISO 17021-5.

Mr. O’Hanlon is also a member of the Institute of Asset Management, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Association of Facilities Engineers, Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals and the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers.

The Keynote

Increased Reliability Through Leadership*

* Reliability = Failure Free Operation
* > Reliability = > Revenue/Profit
* > Reliability = > Safety
* > Reliability = > Retention/Employee Engagement
* > Reliability = > Diversity

For the past 30 years, asset-intensive organizations have tried to maintain their way to  reliability, predict and detect their way to  reliability, and now they are planning to prescribe their way to reliability with IIoT.  In many cases, a large double-digit percentage of these programs fail to generate any sustainable business success.

Have you considered the following inquiry?  Does Reliability Leadership play a role in the outcome of the organization?

How is Reliability Leadership practiced across the functional areas of your organization?

Who would you have to talk to and what kind of conversations would you have to have to get your plan for advancing reliability and asset management implemented?


Εύα Παπακώστα, Τ: 210 6617777 (ext. 344), M: 6932646256, Ε: [email protected]

Μάξιμος Γιαννόπουλος, Τ: 210 6617777 (εσωτ.247), M:+ 30 6940 642327, E: [email protected]
Χρήστος Τέγος, Τ: 210 661 7777, (εσωτ. 251), M: 6932 612708, Ε: [email protected]
Σπύρος Σιδέρης, Τ: 210 661 7777, (εσωτ. 240), M: 6942 673 861, Ε: [email protected]

Project Management
Αγγελική Πετροπούλου, Τ: 210 6617777 (ext: 235), Κιν: 6977018852 E: [email protected]

Boussias Communications